Sunday, April 29, 2012

Linked - The Best Network to Make Money

Every person that has a job of any kind or wants to further their career should join Linkedin.  For one, it connects you with people in similar careers.  It also allows you to share your expertise by joining custom groups.  On LinkedIn you can list your resume and skills for potential job recruiters to find.  Even if you already have a job, you might receive an offer for more money, a better position, or something with increased benefits.  At the very least you will join a community of your peers that might be able to help you if you somehow lose your job.  My favorite part about LinkedIn is the recommendations section which allows you to write a recommendation for someone or vice versa.  I have received some great recommendations and it looks good to potential employers as it connects a face to the recommendation so that they know these aren't some fabricated stories that you made up.  Not that anyone would do that.

If you want to further your career, LinkedIn is the network to be on.