Sunday, April 29, 2012

Linked - The Best Network to Make Money

Every person that has a job of any kind or wants to further their career should join Linkedin.  For one, it connects you with people in similar careers.  It also allows you to share your expertise by joining custom groups.  On LinkedIn you can list your resume and skills for potential job recruiters to find.  Even if you already have a job, you might receive an offer for more money, a better position, or something with increased benefits.  At the very least you will join a community of your peers that might be able to help you if you somehow lose your job.  My favorite part about LinkedIn is the recommendations section which allows you to write a recommendation for someone or vice versa.  I have received some great recommendations and it looks good to potential employers as it connects a face to the recommendation so that they know these aren't some fabricated stories that you made up.  Not that anyone would do that.

If you want to further your career, LinkedIn is the network to be on.

Monday, March 24, 2008


In case you are not on the widget bandwagon yet, you might want to be after reading this article.

The creator of has intelligently put himself at the forefront of the next big thing in advertising. Slide has over 50 million users now and these slide widgets that are being used by many of them on social networking sites such as facebook and myspace can have strategically targeted ads placed on them.

This should get the minds of developers working as if they are sharp enough to create a widget/mini application that has mass appeal, they to can reap the benefits from advertising revenue. Facebook, by the way lets you keep all the profits. This is very generous considering the amount of traffic that you will receive if your application/widget gains popularity on facebook. There have been some widgets created by private developers that have already sold for over a million dollars.

More on this to follow

Saturday, November 17, 2007

An Introduction

It seems that every day I browse the business section of the CNN website or the front page of MSN there is a news article about a social networking site. Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and others are the top headlines everywhere I turn. What seemed to me as a waste of time is worth billions of dollars to the major companies of the web. So with headlines such as "Facebook valued at $15 billion dollars?", I wanted to investigate a little.

What I have found out so far is that all of this value is being centered around advertising, and what is intriguing to me about Facebook is that they are willing to share or allow developers to profit from applications they develop on their platform. There are already several developers whose applications generate ad revenue of more than $50,000.00 per month.

This sounds like such a good oppurtunity to me that I am going to try (without really any development experience) to create my own facebook application.

My Technical Background:
A) HTML: Intermediate
B) Javascript: Beginner
C) Flash: Intermediate

Thats it. I have created a few websites in my time but other than that I have no experience. My short term goal is to develop a simple app. I am not expecting to make any money at first, but I figure if I get the fundamentals down, that I am a creative enough person to come up with an application that a lot of people would use.

I plan to post each step in the process so that other newbies can hopefully learn from me and my mistakes. I hope everyone enjoys and don't laugh to hard at some of my failures along the way.